Saturday, April 29, 2023

Wound Clinic May 6th

Dear friends and supporters of the Wound Clinic and La Casa del Centro, we hope you are doing well. We will be holding our next clinic on Saturday, May 6th. Please email us if you would like to join us. We would appreciate it if you let us know if you are joining us, at least three days in advance.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Educational and cultural healing talks series: 1. Health worker community organizing

Join us Thursday March 30th at Casa del Centro 7:00 PM for our first talk of the Educational and cultural healing series

 Health worker community organizing:  Reflections and discussion with Juliana Morris MD


April 1st Wound Clinic

We will be holding our next clinic on Saturday, April 1st. Please email us if you would like to join us. We would appreciate it if you let us know if you are joining us, at least three days in advance, so we can organize better.

The clinic is always in need of donations to serve our patients. Even if you are unable to attend our clinics, we greatly need ongoing support in the form of financial or in-kind donations. You can support our work by donating to the Wound Clinic via One Small House. If you have access to masks, antibacterial gel, protective equipment, hygienic products, water, non-perishable food, gauze and other medical supplies that you can donate, please email the clinic. You can also support the clinic by purchasing t-shirts, booklets, and coffee from the clinic (see information below). Please feel free to reach out if you would like to support in another way.

In solidarity!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Join us in the next Wound Clinic

The next Wound Clinic is on Saturday March 4th. This month we are conmemorating the displacement that took place in the canal on 2014. Hope to see you there. If you plan to go, please let us know by sending an email.